Saturday 2 February 2013

[RANT] Tea worthy books of the month

So for January, I had a bunch of books that I thought were definitely tea-worthy of reading:

1. As I mentioned before, honestly anything written by Alice Clayton I'll probably really like. She adds so much wit, romance and love to her books that I just can't stay away from them.
Definitely read Wallbanger and the Redhead series by her.
2. Love Left Behind by S.H. Kolee. There were definitely some parts that I wasn' too happy with or in my opinion dragged on but I absolutely loved the tale of these two people that were so in love with each other and than broke up but still love each other so so much. I'm a sucker for a good love story and this was definitely one of them.

3. Beneath this Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas. I wrote a review on this so check that out before I repeat everything I loved about it.
There aren't any YA books this month but honestly there haven't been any that have absolutely blown my mind. Expect that to have changed for the month of February (especially with the release of Scarlet by Marissa Meyer, who else is as excited as I am???)

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